Florida Courts Seek to Clear Foreclosure Backlog, but at What Expense?

The number of foreclosure actions instituted in the state of Florida over the past several years is huge. In fact, media outlets still regularly report on the foreclosure problems facing homeowners throughout the state. With the staggering number of foreclosure actions working their way through the courts – reportedly over...

Choosing a Bankruptcy Lawyer

Seeing a lawyer for a bankruptcy problem is much like seeing a dentist. You try to ignore the pain as long as you can before you make an appointment. When you finally do, you wonder why you waited so long and went through months or years of unnecessary discomfort. As...

Foreclosure Defense And The Value Of Time

How Did This Happen? I doubt that you planned to be sued in foreclosure. Most likely, you planned for your home or other real estate to be a primary investment. Unfortunately, the economy didn’t cooperate. Or, in a world of constantly rising real estate prices, you kept borrowing against imagined...