COMMON MISTAKES TO AVOID WHEN GOING THROUGH A DIVORCE. Divorce is hard on everyone involved. Spouses, partners, children..even extended families face a jumble of emotions.  Although this is common and is to be expected, all this can lead to mistakes that can have long-lasting effects,  emotionally and financially. Below are...

Shared Parental Custody Challenges in Florida for Unmarried Parents

  When parents are not married and have children together, they can face a unique set of challenges when it comes to shared parental custody. In Florida, the court considers the best interest of the child when determining custody arrangements, but the process can still be complicated for unmarried parents....


You've seen the commercials for Reverse Mortgages. If you're over 62 and have equity in your home, you tuck it away in case you need it down the road. But if you're considering a divorce, a reverse mortgage can become a useful tool. It could allow one spouse to remain...

Child Custody Law in Florida: 20 Things You Need to Know

  Cases involving parents as opposing parties over the custody of their children present unique issues and difficulties to overcome for everyone involved. Emotions often run high, especially if the custody case is being worked out in the context of a divorce. However, Florida child custody law is set up...

Will Shared Parenting be New Custody Arrangement in Florida?

The issue of divorce is something that affects a huge portion of families across America. It is often a sensitive and emotionally charged topic, especially when children are involved. A recent article by Florida Today discussed the potential trend among states to favor custody arrangements in which parents share equal custody....