The 2014 legislative session is upon us in Florida, and there is no shortage of issues expected to be addressed. A recent article highlighted some of the key issues that have arisen in the state recently, and gave some insight as to what sort of action Florida citizens can expect from...
Recording Police Action in Florida
Considering the prevalence of smartphones with cameras and recording capabilities, it is somewhat expected that the accessibility of recorded clips would bring up related issues in the legal setting. A recent article reported that one such recording has led to a woman in Florida suing a police department after she...
Facebook Post Leads to $80,000 Loss of Settlement
If you were ever curious as to the strictness of confidentiality clauses in lawsuit settlements, you can be assured: they are enforced. And if you still retain a shred of doubt, just ask Patrick Snay, who lost $80,000 that was previously awarded to him as the result of a...