A Trustee’s Role in a Bankruptcy Case

Those thinking about filing for bankruptcy understandably have many questions about the process. These inquiries can range from how exactly their debts will be affected to questions about the procedure and players involved in their bankruptcy case. One person who plays a large part in bankruptcy proceedings, and of whom...

Foreclosure Activity Continues to be a Problem for Florida Residents

The state of the American economy and the financial state of its citizens continues to be a topic that is ever present in the news.  While media outlets seem to be reporting a gradual improvement in the U.S. economy, many individuals are still feeling the financial strain of the recession...

Removing Second Mortgages In A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Can Keep You in your Home THE PROBLEM: Consider the following (unfortunately) common situation faced by many homeowners: their home in the current depressed real estate market is worth $150,000. They have two mortgages on the property that they obtained during the real estate boom several years...

Choosing a Bankruptcy Lawyer

Seeing a lawyer for a bankruptcy problem is much like seeing a dentist. You try to ignore the pain as long as you can before you make an appointment. When you finally do, you wonder why you waited so long and went through months or years of unnecessary discomfort. As...

Student Loans and Bankruptcy in Florida

Not all loans are alike. A tuition bill is not a student loan. As a general rule, student loans are non-dischargeable debts, which means that you will still have to pay the loan off even after filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Under current law, this is true...