If you've gone through a divorce or paternity case and were awarded alimony or child support, you may be wondering what happens if your ex-spouse or co-parent files for bankruptcy. Can they erase their financial obligations to you? How does the type of bankruptcy they file impact your support payments?...
The Devil is in the Details: Crafting a Parenting Plan That Works for Your Family
Parenting plans are the cornerstone of co-parenting after a divorce or separation, ensuring the child's best interests are met while minimizing potential conflicts between parents. While most parenting plans cover the basics, like time-sharing schedules and holiday arrangements, many overlook critical details that can significantly impact a child’s upbringing. A...
How Long Will My Florida Divorce Take? 6 Keys Tips to Avoid Delays
“How long will this process take?” This is one of the first questions anyone considering a divorce asks when they enter our office. The answer is honestly, ‘it depends.’ Is the divorce a simple one, or will it be contested? How long have you been married? Are there children? Was...
7 Crucial Divorce Questions You’re Afraid to Ask (But Need To)
Divorce is never easy, and while you might be ready to tackle the tough conversations, some questions linger in the back of your mind—questions that feel too uncomfortable to ask. You're not alone. Many people hesitate to raise these concerns, worried about the answers or unsure how they’ll be perceived....
How Florida Courts Decide Custody: Debunking Common Myths About Time-Sharing and Child Support
When it comes to divorce or separation, one of the most emotionally charged and misunderstood aspects is child custody and time-sharing. Many parents entering the legal process in Florida have preconceived notions about how custody is decided and what time-sharing means. This confusion is understandable—family law can be complex,...
Back-to-School, Not Back to Court: Co-Parenting Solutions from Family Law Pros
The first day of school is August 12th. There are 12 days to get your children ready, buy endless lists of school supplies, and arrange after-school activities, carpools, after-school care, and pediatric check-ups. How did the summer fly by? It’s a hectic time, but even more so for separated, divorced,...
Your Personal Injury Case vs. Your Facebook Feed: Who Wins?
Florida courts have admitted social media posts as evidence in personal injury cases when relevant to the case. Translation: Everything you innocently share on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Whats App etc. is fair game in a personal injury or malpractice case. Social Media & Your Personal Injury Claim: Navigate...
Mastering the Divorce Journey: 10 Key Steps and Missteps to Avoid
Divorce is hard for everyone concerned. Little can be done to lessen the pain of divorce, but the parties involved can make the journey a little easier. Having practiced Family Law for over 40 years, we have seen it all. Here are 10 tips that we advise our clients to...
This is an update on "Child Support in Florida: What, When and How Much" dated 6/21/21. Parents have a duty to support their dependent children until they turn 18, or 19 if they are still in high school. But they don't get to decide how much to pay; Child support...
Both parties are legally obligated to follow the executed parenting agreement as written. If one party wants to make changes, they need to get the court to issue a Modification Order. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for one parent to choose to ignore what they don't like. If one parent...