Slip and falls are common lawsuits filed against grocery stores and other businesses. Damages in these types of suits can actually be very high, because many are severely hurt as a result. Now some big businesses are lobbying state lawmakers and Governor Rick Scott to cut awards in these types...
Boating Accident Law in Florida
Many people are familiar with the laws pertaining to operating a car and car accidents. They know that they must be sober while operating the car, that they need to obey speed limits, and that they should not leave the scene of an accident before police arrive. Many people, with...
Personal Injuries from Defective Seat Belts
Most people are aware that they can be ticketed for not wearing a seat belt, but what if the one they are wearing does not protect them the way it should? Seat belts are highly effective at preventing injury or death during an accident, but only if they are well...
Rear-End Accidents Can Be the Front Driver’s Fault
Last year, the Florida Supreme Court made an important change to the case law governing rear-end automobile accidents. Traditionally such accidents are presumed to be the fault of the person driving the rear vehicle. This presumption exists because the driver of the forward vehicle generally can’t see what caused a...