Summertime equals vacations for countless families across the United States, and the state of Florida is certainly no exception. Some Florida residents may be planning trips to visit friends and family, heading to a beach, or even traveling out of state. Vacationers from other states may be making Florida their...
Teen Driving Accidents and the Summer
Summer is a dangerous time for anyone to be on the roadway. Increased traffic from summer travelers, summer parties and celebrations perhaps involving alcohol, and other factors all contribute to this fact. With these increased risks and additional distractions, it is not surprising that the summer months are the most...
Florida Supreme Court: Civil Rights Act Protects Pregnant Women
Between the state of the current economy and the ever-shifting gender roles within family, it seems that more families than ever are doing what they have to do to meet their financial and other requirements. Unfortunately for some women, their careers and, correspondingly, their finances may suffer unnecessarily when...
Comparative Negligence: Why Florida Personal Injury Law is Different
If you or someone you know has been injured as the result of an accident in Florida, you may have important legal rights that can serve to compensate you for damages, particularly if another person’s negligence caused the injury. Any number of incidents can give rise to this type...
Effects of the New PIP Law in Florida
Last year, changes to the personal injury protection (PIP) coverage contained within auto insurance policies went into effect in the state of Florida. The purpose of the changes is to curb fraudulent insurance claims, which cost the state almost $1 billion per year in increased premium rates. The revised legislation limits...
Intent Not Needed to Prove False Statement on Insurance Application
In a recent Court decision from 2013, the First District Court of Appeals held that an insurance carrier did not have to prove that an insured’s false statement was intentional to be allowed to cancel the policy. The case involved the insured filing a claim with his insurance agency after...
What Rises to the Level of Domestic Violence?
Far too many families in Florida and throughout the country are affected by domestic violence. Recognizing the damage done by these crimes, the justice system includes a variety of tools to both protect those harmed and punish residents who commit domestic violence. But not all disagreements between family members actually...
2014: New Year, New Laws Taking Effect in Florida
Florida has added over 200 new laws to their books in the last several months. While some had gone into effect in the latter part of 2013, some will begin with the New Year in 2014. Naples News reported on a number of the new laws, and the topics they...
No Drug Testing for Welfare Applicants in Florida
A federal judge in Orlando, Florida has declared that the state’s law requiring welfare applicants to undergo mandatory drug testing is unconstitutional, according to a recent article by the New York Times. It is expected that this ruling will serve as the groundwork for other similar cases popping up across the...
No Charges Filed Against Florida State Quarterback
Florida State Seminoles’ quarterback Jameis Winston made headlines last month, but this time it was not for his performance on the football field. Winston was involved in a criminal investigation since December 2012, in which he was accused of sexual battery. Fortunately for the QB star, late last month he...