Far too many families in Florida and throughout the country are affected by domestic violence. Recognizing the damage done by these crimes, the justice system includes a variety of tools to both protect those harmed and punish residents who commit domestic violence. But not all disagreements between family members actually...
2014: New Year, New Laws Taking Effect in Florida
Florida has added over 200 new laws to their books in the last several months. While some had gone into effect in the latter part of 2013, some will begin with the New Year in 2014. Naples News reported on a number of the new laws, and the topics they...
Fathers Impact on Children’s Lives Makes Huge Difference
Fathers are a great source of inspiration and knowledge for their children. Fatherhood teaching opportunities have traditionally been limited to fishing, hunting, camping, fixing things, and grilling dinner. Nowadays, fathers are much more involved in their children’s lives. But when divorce splits up a family, the noncustodial parent can lose...
Complexities in Child Custody Disputes in Florida
In divorce proceedings, the court is the final arbiter of child custody. The court can also be the final arbiter when non-married couples seek to establish the rights and responsibilities of each parent. Florida law prefers that both parents work together to raise a child. That is true even when...
New Bill Could Change Florida Alimony Laws
One stressful and legally complicated aspect of divorce is alimony. Many see alimony as an old-fashioned vestige of divorce. Others see it as a necessary way to help an individual who made financial sacrifices to help the family during marriage. Individuals who are facing a divorce should become familiar with...
Child Support Guidelines in Florida
In Florida, as well as many other states, child support is determined by guidelines established by the legislature. The child support guideline amount is set out in Florida Statute 61.30 which establishes the amount the Court will award, whether in an initial dissolution of marriage proceeding requesting child support or in...
Same Sex Marriage and Joint Bankruptcy Filings
The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), 1 U.S.C. section 7, defines a married couple as consisting only of opposite sex married couples. Generally, married couples will file joint bankruptcy petitions; a joint filing saves a filing fee and often a second attorney’s fee. The Justice Department (through the U.S. Trustee)...
Social Security, Childhood Disability and HIV
The childhood disability rules apply to children from birth to age 18, although under certain circumstances, it can apply up to age 21. In any event, the onset of a disabling impairment must precede a child's 22nd birthday. In order to obtain Social Security benefits for a child, you must...
Relocation in Florida: Moving with the children
Florida has moved away from the concept of ‘child visitation’ and ‘primary custody’ and has instead adopted the idea of time sharing. Time sharing recognizes that both parents have equal rights, even if they do not get equal time with the children. Parents must now enter into a time sharing...
Temporary Alimony in Florida
She came in for a free consultation. She tells me that after 10 years, her marriage is broken and her husband has moved out. They own a house valued at $200,000 (it was worth $300,000 a couple of years ago) with a $250,000 mortgage. She wants to keep the shanghai...