After the ink dries on divorce papers, parenting plans, and child support agreements, there's a collective hope that everything will proceed smoothly. However, life's unpredictable nature often has other plans. What to Do When Your Child Support Plans Fall Through (more…)
In the United States, the grim reality is that a woman suffers abuse at the hands of an intimate partner every 7 seconds, and Florida reported a staggering 67,332 domestic violence cases in 2022 alone. Sadly, a significant number of these cases remain hidden, with nearly half going unreported....
Mastering the Divorce Journey: 10 Key Steps and Missteps to Avoid
Divorce is hard for everyone concerned. Little can be done to lessen the pain of divorce, but the parties involved can make the journey a little easier. Having practiced Family Law for over 40 years, we have seen it all. Here are 10 tips that we advise our clients to...
COMMON MISTAKES TO AVOID WHEN GOING THROUGH A DIVORCE. Divorce is hard on everyone involved. Spouses, partners, children..even extended families face a jumble of emotions. Although this is common and is to be expected, all this can lead to mistakes that can have long-lasting effects, emotionally and financially. Below are...
Changes To Florida’s Parenting Rules: It’s A 50/50 Time Share
8.11.24 Update: If your parenting plan was changed over the past year due to these changes, remember to notify your children's school and doctors/dentist offices or anyone who needs to be updated. Learn about more changes to Florida's Family laws and rules which can be found here. Effective on July...
Changes To Florida Law Regarding Support For Adult Children
The new legislation signed into law on July 1, 2023, not only affects alimony and timesharing; it also changes the law regarding support for dependent adult children. A dependent adult child is an unmarried adult who cannot support him/herself as a result of a physical or mental incapacity...
The New Alimony Law As Of 7.1.23: How It Will Affect You
The Florida legislature has passed an alimony reform bill (Senate Bill 1416) which was signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis on June 30, 2023. This bill, which applies to all petitions for dissolution of marriage that are filed or pending as of July 1, 2023, has dramatically overhauled...
Good Dad Act: Unmarried Dads Get Easier Route To Formalize Fatherhood
A new law in Florida makes it easier for unmarried fathers to be legally recognized as the child's parent, with all the rights and responsibilities that come with it. Previously, unmarried fathers had to go through a lengthy and expensive process to establish paternity in court. But the new law,...
My Partner Is Pretending He/She Doesn’t Make Any Money To Avoid Paying Alimony. What Can I Do?
Divorce is fraught with all sorts of challenges for everyone involved and rarely brings out the best in anyone. Sadly, it is not uncommon for one spouse to try to turn the situation to their advantage, especially when it comes to alimony payments. If you suspect that your spouse is...
How To Establish Paternity In Florida
Navigating through Florida paternity laws can be a puzzling task, even for those well-versed in legal matters. This complexity stems from the multiple routes available to establish paternity, each with its own set of rules that can change based on specific situations. What is Paternity? Paternity is the legal relationship...