Lawmakers Vote to Expand Stand Your Ground Law in Florida

News stories involving Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law have been making headlines across the nation, which can likely be attributed to the Dunn and Zimmerman cases. The two recent criminal trials both involved the shooting of African-American teenagers and each defendant’s invocation of self-defense as the result of a threat...

Recording Police Action in Florida

  Considering the prevalence of smartphones with cameras and recording capabilities, it is somewhat expected that the accessibility of recorded clips would bring up related issues in the legal setting. A recent article reported that one such recording has led to a woman in Florida suing a police department after she...

Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law Continues to make Headlines

  NBC News, among many other media outlets, recently reported on a Florida case involving many similarities to the George Zimmerman case: a man in Florida was charged for killing a black teen, who was unarmed at the time of his death, and is arguing self-defense at his trial. While most...