A Trustee’s Role in a Bankruptcy Case

Those thinking about filing for bankruptcy understandably have many questions about the process. These inquiries can range from how exactly their debts will be affected to questions about the procedure and players involved in their bankruptcy case. One person who plays a large part in bankruptcy proceedings, and of whom...

Social Security Returns to Mailing Statements

Many people in the state of Florida and across the country apply for Social Security and Disability benefits. Whether an individual applies to the Social Security Disability (SSD) insurance program or the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program, certain requirements must be met before benefits are paid out. There is a...

Revocable vs. Irrevocable Trusts: An Overview

Many individuals who have estate planning documents in place are familiar with a testamentary will and related documents, such as a power of attorney and advanced medical directive. However, estate planning and other financial planning documents can extend far beyond those parameters. One such legal tool available to those interested...

Issues to be Addressed by Florida Legislature in 2014

The 2014 legislative session is upon us in Florida, and there is no shortage of issues expected to be addressed. A recent article highlighted some of the key issues that have arisen in the state recently, and gave some insight as to what sort of action Florida citizens can expect from...

Lawmakers Vote to Expand Stand Your Ground Law in Florida

News stories involving Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law have been making headlines across the nation, which can likely be attributed to the Dunn and Zimmerman cases. The two recent criminal trials both involved the shooting of African-American teenagers and each defendant’s invocation of self-defense as the result of a threat...

New Program to Help Released Inmates Start Over

The Orlando Sentinel recently reported on the difficulty of inmates who have a hard time starting their life on the outside once released from prison. The article stated that the thousands of inmates released from prison each year are given a bus ticket and $40 upon their release. For many,...

Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law Continues to make Headlines

  NBC News, among many other media outlets, recently reported on a Florida case involving many similarities to the George Zimmerman case: a man in Florida was charged for killing a black teen, who was unarmed at the time of his death, and is arguing self-defense at his trial. While most...

What Rises to the Level of Domestic Violence?

Far too many families in Florida and throughout the country are affected by domestic violence. Recognizing the damage done by these crimes,  the justice system includes a variety of tools to both protect those harmed and punish residents who commit domestic violence. But not all disagreements between family members actually...