COMMON MISTAKES TO AVOID WHEN GOING THROUGH A DIVORCE. Divorce is hard on everyone involved. Spouses, partners, children..even extended families face a jumble of emotions. Although this is common and is to be expected, all this can lead to mistakes that can have long-lasting effects, emotionally and financially. Below are...
Changes To Florida’s Parenting Rules: It’s A 50/50 Time Share
8.11.24 Update: If your parenting plan was changed over the past year due to these changes, remember to notify your children's school and doctors/dentist offices or anyone who needs to be updated. Learn about more changes to Florida's Family laws and rules which can be found here. Effective on July...
The New Alimony Law As Of 7.1.23: How It Will Affect You
The Florida legislature has passed an alimony reform bill (Senate Bill 1416) which was signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis on June 30, 2023. This bill, which applies to all petitions for dissolution of marriage that are filed or pending as of July 1, 2023, has dramatically overhauled...
My Partner Is Pretending He/She Doesn’t Make Any Money To Avoid Paying Alimony. What Can I Do?
Divorce is fraught with all sorts of challenges for everyone involved and rarely brings out the best in anyone. Sadly, it is not uncommon for one spouse to try to turn the situation to their advantage, especially when it comes to alimony payments. If you suspect that your spouse is...
How To Establish Paternity In Florida
Navigating through Florida paternity laws can be a puzzling task, even for those well-versed in legal matters. This complexity stems from the multiple routes available to establish paternity, each with its own set of rules that can change based on specific situations. What is Paternity? Paternity is the legal relationship...
Negligent Prescription: What Is It, What Are Your Rights & Tips To Avoid It From Happening To You
6 billion prescriptions were written in 2021. Prescriptions are a fact of life, with the vast majority working perfectly. But, sometimes, a doctor or hospital makes negligent mistakes, and the consequences can be dire. What are negligent prescriptions, how do they occur, and what are the potential consequences for patients?...
Navigating Nursing Home Laws: What Are Your Rights and Recourse if You Suspect Negligence or Abuse?
There were approx. 67,000 people living in licensed nursing homes in Florida in 2022. Most provide the level of care that we all want for our loved ones. Most, but not all. NURSING HOME RESPONSIBILITIES, PATIENTS' RIGHTS AND RECOURSE: Licensed Nursing homes are regulated by the AHCA (Agency for Health...
Shared Parental Custody Challenges in Florida for Unmarried Parents
When parents are not married and have children together, they can face a unique set of challenges when it comes to shared parental custody. In Florida, the court considers the best interest of the child when determining custody arrangements, but the process can still be complicated for unmarried parents....
Motorcycle Accidents: The Hidden Injuries That Can Be The Most Dangerous*
*And what you should never do immediately after a motorcycle or auto accident. In the past five years, only about 2% of all Florida traffic crashes involved a motorcycle. Yet the injuries both obvious and 'hidden' from motorcycle accidents can be among the most severe. Motorcycle accidents can result in...
Holiday Cheers And Holiday Tears: Tips To Avoid Being Hooked By Online Scams
What a wonderful time of year. Sadly along with the holiday spirit that we look forward to all year, comes a huge spike in online scams. 'I never fall for this, ' I downloaded a security app' are common refrains but online scams remind me of Whack-A-Mole: Just when we...