Family Law Attorney Parenting Plan

Family Law Attorney Parenting Plan

 School’s almost over, which means the joys and angst of summer are in the air. The joys of no homework  (for both kids and parents). Angst for divorced or separated parents, as both parents and their families want to spend as much time as possible with their children. And without an effective parenting plan, summer fun can quickly become summer pain.

The best way to minimize this stress is to create a parenting time-sharing plan that works for all involved.* 

What To Include In Your Parenting Plan BEFORE School Ends

An experienced Family Law Attorney will draw up a parenting plan that deals with parental time-sharing when school is over. Every couple and every family is unique, with unique needs, and they need a unique plan that works for them. If wisely done,  everyone will know what to expect, and this alone will reduce stress.  

  • A Plan for Summer Schedule: Options Include:
    • Parents will follow the regular schedule throughout the summer break.
    • One parent (named in the parenting plan) will have the child for the entire summer break from the school ends to a particular date before school begins again.
    • Parents will divide the summer break equally based on odd-numbered and even-numbered years, with one parent having the child for the entire summer.
    • Parents will equally divide the summer vacation each year, with one parent having the child for the first half and the other having the child for the remainder.
  • A Plan for In-state Travel:
    • On which days during the holidays or school vacations can each parent travel with the child within Florida? Where will each parent be going, and for how long? 
  • A Plan for Out-of-State Travel:
    •  On which days can each parent travel with the child out of state? Where will each parent be going, and for how long? Will each parent get a major holiday, such as  Thanksgiving and Christmas, during which they can take the child out of state? Will these plans change in alternate years?
  • A Plan for International Travel:
    •  In most cases, you will need a court order from a family judge or a written consent form to travel out of the country with your child in a time-sharing situation. You can, if possible, list any future dates on which you would like to take that trip. This will help when you do go to court to obtain authorization, as the judge will see that you and the other parent previously agreed to the international travel. 
  • Travel Itinerary:
    • The traveling parent should provide the other parent with a travel itinerary which includes when they are traveling, where they will be staying, flights if applicable, and make sure that the other parent can speak with your child during the trip.

Summer Time Sharing: It is All About the Planning

Summer vacations are more challenging when dealing with divorces or separated families. But the more you plan in advance, the easier the holidays will be for all family members, especially the children.

*Good planning starts with retaining an attorney with the experience and expertise to create a customized plan that works for your family.


Listen to what a client has to say:

Dan Kent and Martin Hoffman are both incredible lawyers. I originally had a custody case and Mr. Hoffman was representing me and my son. Life took a turn and I needed a lawyer to represent me on a domestic violence case, and Mr. Kent did so. I am beyond satisfied with the work from both attorneys. They both provided me with any information I needed, and always answered me and any questions I had super quickly. They did exactly what was needed for my cases to be over, with the outcome we wanted. I will forever keep this law firm in my contact list for anything legal I may need in the future. I would not recommend any other firm, this firm will give you the attention your case needs.

I will forever be thankful to this firm for helping me keep my son safe! Yenisbel H. 2022