Beyond the Basics: The Unique Approach of Hoffman Larin & Agnetti to Personal Injury Cases

Hoffman Larin & Agnetti, P.A. was founded over 40 years ago and expanded into the Florida Keys over 25 years ago. 

40 years of Auto Accidents, Slip and Fall Accidents, and Premises Security cases.

40 years of seeing thousands of people walk through our doors, hurt, frightened, confused, and angry that their lives have been turned upside down due to no fault of their own.

Thousands of cases have been settled or tried, ranging from a few thousand to million-dollar settlements in or out of court. Most of these clients came from referrals by existing and former clients, some from other attorneys. They were referred to HLA because they know that every client our firm takes on will benefit from these 40 years of experience and expertise.

So, what sets Hoffman Larin & Agnetti apart? HLA reviews a case to see what is possible, not what is obvious or easy. 

Our firm understands that every person who calls or walks through our doors is unique, every case is unique, and that the typical cookie-cutter approach many firms, especially those with hundreds of attorneys, just doesn’t cut it (forgive the pun). 

When we accept a case, our attorneys formulate a customized strategy factoring in the unique set of facts, the opposing insurance company and counsel (in 40 years, we’ve litigated against most of them), and any other relevant facts.  A one-size-fits-all approach might get a quick settlement but not necessarily the best result. 

For many firms, taking on a case where someone is hit by an uninsured drunk driver who fled the country would be a non-starter.

Not HLA. 

Our client was a passenger in a car hit head-on by another driver in a construction zone on a busy Miami street and was left paralyzed. The other driver had been drinking and negligently crossed over onto the wrong side of the road. Shortly after the accident, the other uninsured driver fled the country and was never located. 

Our firm hired engineering and transportation experts to evaluate the construction site. Based on their findings, we filed suit against the construction company, the barricade company, the engineers, the County, and the State Department of Transportation.  The defendants, who had deep pockets and large law firms representing them, each denied responsibility for the accident, all blaming the drunk driver for our client’s injuries. 

HLA  obtained engineering and construction documents, had our experts evaluate the site conditions, and deposed various construction personnel from the defendants. 

We proved that the defendants failed to properly maintain traffic in the construction zone by using sufficient barricades and striping on the roadway.

The defendants settled before trial for $950,000.00.

If you or a loved one was injured in an accident, a slip or fall was hurt or assaulted in a place of business, or from medical negligence, call us for a FREE case evaluation. Let our 40 years work for you.